Welcome Home!
Loving God....Loving People
Thank you for visiting with us today. Welcome to our virtual church home. Our first order of business is providing you the opportunity to join us in our new online worship service. Every Sunday morning at 9:00 am, which is our usual in-church worship time, you will be able to come to this very place and view our entire worship service, which will be uploaded to youtube late Sunday afternoon or early Monday morning. We pray that you will be blessed by this online worship experience.
Wildwood Community Church, is a warm and loving fellowship of Christian disciples dedicated to filling all hearts with God’s love. We worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly. Our mission statement describes our desire to serve our church, our community, and our world.
God bless you,
Rev. Randy Carrion - Pastor.
(Click Here or on the Archives Button above to view Previous Services)
Click Here for Easter Resources
Recorded Worship Service uploaded by 9:00 am every Sunday morning

We have a dedicated prayer team that meets every Tuesday morning at 9:00 am. If you have a specific request for the team please email it to Jan Smith: revjt@att.net
We are developing new online programs regularly for your edification and fun. Click right here on the Online button or at the top of the page and see all the new online content we are making available.
Our newest offering is the series on the book of Acts from the Eyewitness Bible Series that captures the founding of the church from the book of Acts. These are the same people that produced the Holy Week Series.