We have several groups and ministries set up in our church. Feel free to join in on one! If you have a heart of service and are willing to offer your time and effort, take part in the Family Life Ministies or one of our many Outreach programs. If you sing, come sing with the choir! Inquire about our handbell choir if you play or are interested in playing!
Our most active ministries in our church, they play a role in a number of different ministries that impact our surrounding communities.
Food/Item Collections – Every month we collect a different food or item that will be distributed to the surrounding communities.
Community Support Ministries – We provide monthly food and substantial monetary contributions to Christian Loving Care in Kountze, Cecil's Pantry in Warren, and Caring is Sharing in Woodville.
Backpack Program – In cooperation with Wildwood Baptist Church, we provide weekend meal provisions for at risk kids at Warren Middle and High Schools.
Volunteer Drivers – We offer transportation for anyone in our church or community who needs a ride to the doctor, grocery store, pharmacy, etc.
In Home Communion - The first Tuesday after communion (which is the first Sunday every month), the pastor travels to offer communion to members who are homebound, or in assisted living facilities or nursing homes. He is accompanied by members of the Outreach Committee, but any member of the congregation is welcome to come along.
Other Church Activities – The Outreach committee works in conjunction with other church groups helping provide support for many church events.
This committee also does the behind the scenes work of bringing the message of Christ to people who are not yet associated with our church.
Also know as our kitchen ladies, this team provides food for a variety of ministries within the church,
Home-bound Assistance- Providing meals, groceries, home repair and general assistance for our church members and friends in need of assistance.
Recent Illnesses/Recovery – Providing church family and friends recently home from the hospital or having extended illnesses with assistance.
Funerals – Providing groceries or meals for those who have recently lost a loved one,
Church-wide Meals – Supporting church family celebrations throughout the year.
Overseeing a number of discipleship ministries within the church.
Sunday School – We have three adult classes as well as children and youth classes.
Nursery – We offer nursery services for all meeting and events as needed, as well as Sunday worship and Sunday School.
Children's Events – All throughout the year, we offer seasonal children's activities.
Family Events – We have regular and specially scheduled events for families such as Game Nights, Methodist Matinees, exercise classes, and bible study.
This committee oversees all of our worship related events, working behind the scenes to ensure each worship event is set up properly.
Traditional Worship – We provide traditional Methodist worship services which follow the Christian worship calendar.
Camp Meeting – During the summer months, we take a casual approach to worship with casual attire and songs from the Cokesbury Hymnal.
Contemporary Worship – Every 5th Sunday thorughtout the year, we change our format to follow a contemporary style and songs,
Special Services – We place special emphasis on what some call High Holy Days such as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Christmas Eve.
Prayer Team -We have a dedicated Prayer Team that meets every Tuesday morning to lift the concerns of the church and community in prayer. Prayer request cards are available in the pew racks. Contact Jan Wright for more information.
Circle of Faith Sunday School Class - Sales are listed on COF Estate Sale Facebook page.
This class began in 1994. We are a mixture of long time members and new members, working, retired, couples, singles, and many come from different church denominations, so anyone would fit right in and feel welcomed. Our studies cover Biblical History of Apostles, scripture, following the Christian Calendar of Advent to Jesus' birth, to his death and resurrection, which keeps us moving through the symbols and colors of the Christian Year and whatever our hearts desire at any given time. Our class is also very service oriented. As a group, we do Estate Sales in the community by request. The funds from the Estate Sales are divided in portion to the home owner, to our church, and to our class. With these funds, we donate to multiple places of need in the community. We enjoy serving and we enjoy each other with love and devotion always for the glory of God.