Pharisees and Sadducees -- Which One is Which?
"I'm sure you've heard both Pharisees and Sadducees in the Bible... And if you're like me, you wondered, 'Which one is which?'" There...
This Little Light of Mine -- Candles in the Church
"You ever wonder how candles became such an important part of the church?" At the start of every worship service, the ushers come forward...
It's Lent, Not Lint -- What is the Season of Lent About?
"We are talking about Lent! Not lint." The season of Lent is the forty or so days before Easter Sunday. What does it mean to observe...
Rings a Bell -- A History on Handbells
"It was not until 1902 that the handbell made its way to America." You hear the handbell choir play every so often at Wildwood UMC, but...